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Technical Education Products offers a wide range of educational solutions for your Career and Technical Education Programs. TEP learning systems are aligned to the latest National Certifications and State Frameworks. Our training programs are complete with instructional media, training equipment, authentic student assessment and instructor training.
Automotive Technology
The goal of any automotive program is to transform students into entry level technicians, in the most efficient manner possible.
Certified Forklift Technician
The purpose of the Certified Forklift Technician (CFT) program is to certify and recognize individuals who demonstrate core competencies involved in repair and maintenance of forklift vehicles.
Certified Logistics Technician
To enhance the competency of the supply chain logistics workforce, MSSC offers two logistics Courses aligned with its standards.
Certified Production Technician
The MSSC System awards certificates to individuals who pass any of its four Production modules.
Certified Technician - Supply Chain Automation
CT-SCA will enable both students and incumbent workers to gain the skills needed to meet the definition of a supply chain automation technician.
Computer Networking Technology: A+ / Net+
CompTIA A+, Net+, and Computer Network Systems Technology Certifications for your classroom.
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Cyber Security
Cybersecurity is so important now because the cybersecurity risks are greater and so is the number of devices.
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Electronics Technician (ETA)
The Electronics Technicians Association, International is a US-base not-for-profit 501(c) 6 professional association founded in 1978.
FANUC CNC Certification
FANUC offers a world-class CNC curriculum based on the needs of the machining industry, in line with the Key Concepts teaching approach
FANUC Robotics thru NOCTI
FANUC America provides the necessary training to the instructor as well as a curriculum to introduce students to robot applications.
Industrial Technology Maintenance
The National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) has endorsed Amatrol’s eLearning as the preferred curriculum for its Industrial Technology Maintenance (ITM) credentials.
NABCEP Green Energy
A great place to start in understanding the importance of Solar and Wind technology, Amatrol offers interactive multimedia courses in Wind and Solar Concepts that provide learners with an understanding of how we can harness these vast energy sources.
NCCER Forklift and Heavy Equipment Operation
Heavy equipment refers to heavy-duty vehicles, specially designed for executing construction tasks, most frequently ones involving earthwork operations.
NIMS Job Planning, Benchwork, and Layout
The NIMS Job Planning, Benchwork, and Layout Certification ensures that an individual possess fundamental knowledge like machine tool types, machine cutting concepts, drill setup, tooling, and performance, selecting stock, drill press operation, basic hand tool operation, and round stock layout.
NIMS CNC Machine Operator
CNC Machine Operator skills are required for over 500,000 manufacturing jobs. A CNC machine operator requires expertise in running CNC machines but is not a machinist.
NIMS Measurement, Materials, and Safety
The NIMS Measurement, Materials, and Job Safety Certification ensures that an individual knows fundamental knowledge like standard steel classifications and numbering systems, reading of precision measuring devices, shop and machine safety, and general machining practices, and inspection techniques.
Smart Automation Certification Alliance
The Smart Automation Certification Alliance (SACA) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to develop and deploy modular Industry 4.0 certifications for a wide range of industries.
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